Source code for src.opencode_git

"""Module to interact with OpenCoDE platform via git command line

import os
import subprocess as sp
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

username: str = os.environ.get("OC_GL_USER", default="foo")
apikey: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("OC_GL_APIKEY", default=None)

[docs] def clone_project(http_url: str, local_path: Path) -> None: # insert authentication http_url = ( http_url[: http_url.find("gitlab")] + str(username) + ":" + str(apikey) + "@" + http_url[http_url.find("gitlab") :] ) # do the clone ["git", "clone", http_url, local_path.as_posix()], check=True, env={"GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT": "0"}, )